Monday, March 13, 2017

Get Better Sleep with Massage

As our bodies adjust this week from Daylight Savings Time, you may be feeling the effects of too little sleep. Sleep is such a vital part of overall health, and with World Sleep Day coming up on this week (March 17), I wanted to talk a bit about how massage can help you get better sleep.

According to the Center for Disease Control, lack of quality sleep contributes to diabetes, heart disease, obesity, depression, and injury or death causing vehicle or machine-related accidents. As a country, we’re just not getting enough sleep -- it’s estimated that 50 to 70 million Americans are suffering from sleep issues that affect their health.

Massage therapy is a great way to improve your quality and quantity of sleep. The following benefits from massage can aid in better sleep:

  • Relaxation
  • Stress Relief
  • Improved Circulation
  • Muscle Relaxation
  • Pain Relief

By finding relief from pain and stress, massage clients are able to achieve better sleep. Have you ever accidently taken a nap during or after a massage? That’s your body telling you it’s ready for more sleep! I believe so strongly in the power of sleep and rest, I even offer the option to stay on the massage table and take a nap after a session. Imagine an uninterrupted 30 minutes -- no kids, no spouse, no job, no housework, no responsibilities -- of blissful napping after an hour-long massage!

If you’re interested in booking a session or learning more about how massage can help you get better sleep, please contact me today!
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Thursday, March 2, 2017

All About Access Bars

One of the more recent modalities I’ve added to my massage practice in Des Moines, IA, is Access Consciousness Bars. No, it’s not a place to drink or a type of candy. Access Bars are 32 points on the human head that when touched properly can release limitations and blockages. It’s a energy work that is gaining popularity because of it’s ability to help people release and receive.

During an Access Consciousness Bars session, I lightly touch certain areas around the head while activating mantras in my mind. This energy work helps to release years -- sometimes decades or even thousands of years -- of gunked up stuff that is holding you back. Releasing that negativity, those blocks, that resistance -- opens you up to actively receive. You can actively receive the energy work treatment, love, positivity -- all the good stuff! It helps clear anything that has been blocking you from change. Receivers of Access Consciousness Bars have reported relaxation, improved sleep, clearer thinking, and reduced anxiety.

People have been enjoying the benefits of Access Consciousness for over 25 years. Finally, science is now finding ways to measure and show exactly how Access Consciousness Bars help people release their blocks to receive. You can see a video from neuroscientists on the study of Access Bars here.

I’ve really enjoyed adding this modality to my repertoire because my clients are seeing awesome results from it! I’ve pretty much been hooked every since I took the class.

If you have questions about Access Consciousness Bars or want to try out out for yourself, please feel free to contact me.

If you want to learn more about what we offer, please visit our website, and like us on Facebook to stay up to date on specials!